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VITAS Joins Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC)

19/05/2020 04:04 PM
HANOI– (18th May, 2020) – Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS) announces that it has joined the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) and will use the group’s sustainability performance measurement suite of tools, the Higg Index, to drive Vietnam textile and garment sector in the environmental and social sustainability journey.

As a SAC member, VITAS joins more than 250 global brands, retailers, and manufacturers, as well as government, non-profit environmental organizations, and academic institutions, which have collectively committed to improving supply chain sustainability in the apparel and footwear industry. 

Vu Duc Giang – Chairman of VITAS said “With the support from our strategic partner- WWF (Word Wind Fund) (also a SAC’s member), VITAS are pleased to be joining the SAC. We are confident that being a member of SAC strengthens VITAS’s guiding role to garment and textile member companies to make meaningful improvements that protect the well-being of factory workers, local communities and the environment. We join this global coalition with a strong commitment to leverage the sustainability performance of Vietnam textile and garment industry in relative to the global benchmarking. Becoming a SAC member is vital to achieve the shared vision of ‘sustainable Made in Vietnam’ which VITAS and WWF and other partners like IDH (the sustainable trade initiative), GIZ

(German Agency for International Cooperation)  and 2030 WRG (2030 Water Resources Group) are collectively acting on in the Greening Textile project.

In its relationship with the SAC, VITAS will contribute both data and resources to support the Higg Index, which measures sustainability performance and drives supply chain transparency and decision-making to improve efficiency and sustainability impact. The Higg Index is an indicator-based suite of tools that enables suppliers, manufacturers, brands, and retailers to evaluate materials, products, facilities, and processes based on environmental performance, social labor practices, and product design choices. 

 “We welcome the addition of VITAS to the Sustainable Apparel Coalition and look forward to its participation in this industry-wide effort on sustainability journey,” SAC Executive Director Amina Razvi said. “Having VITAS as part of the Coalition widens the scope of our impact within the industry and Asia region and accelerates the change we’re making towards responsible industry actions.”

About VITAS 

Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association also known as VITAS, is a members-based, independent, not-for-profit organization established on the voluntary and equal principle of organizations and individuals of all economic sectors operating in the field of textile and garment supply chain in Vietnam. VITAS was established on July 16th 1999 to represent and to protect legal interests of members. VITAS is dedicated to serving as a united resource for the textile and garment industry, fostering leadership, and catalyzing collaboration across the supply chain, to build a sustainable future together for the textile and garment industry together. 


About the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC)


The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) is an industry-wide group of more than 250 leading apparel, footwear brands, retailers, suppliers, service providers, trade associations, nonprofits/NGOs, and academic institutions working to reduce the environmental and social impacts of their products around the world. Through multi-stakeholder engagement, the SAC seeks to lead the industry toward a shared vision of sustainability built upon a common approach for measuring and evaluating apparel, footwear, and textile product sustainability performance that spotlights priorities for action and opportunities for technological innovation. The SAC is an incorporated as a 501c(6) nonprofit organization and launched the groundbreaking Higg Index suite of tools in 2011.  For more information, visit  


Media contact: 

Name: Hoang Ngoc Anh (Ms) – Acting General Secretary Email: 

Phone: 84-243-9348608

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