Technology seminar:
“Digital Transformation in Fashion Industry - 3D Design” organized by Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS) in collaboration with Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH).
1. Time: Wednesday, February 23, 2022, from 13h00 to 17h00
2. Participation fee: free
3. Organization form: online

In order to help Vietnamese textile and garment enterprises and training facilities adapt to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the change of the global economy, the competitive advantages of import-export activities in the economic environment of e-commerce, digital transformation at home and abroad; In order to equip more knowledge and skills for designers, technology experts, etc. in enterprises and training facilities, Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS) in collaboration with Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH) ) will organize a technology seminar on:
“Digital Transformation in Fashion Industry - 3D Design”
1. Time: Wednesday, February 23, 2022, from 13h00 to 17h00
2. Participation fee: free
3. Organization form: online
4. Content: Attached program (guided by Korean experts)
5. Participants: Directors / Managers / Specialists of Technology, Engineering, Design departments ... of enterprises; Teachers of Design, Garment & Fashion Technology Faculties of colleges and universities – members of VITAS.
6. Businesses, colleges/ universities and individuals wishing to participate in the seminar, please register here before February 20, 2022.
For any information, please contact:
Mr. Nguyen Thanh Binh - VITAS
Tel: 0915947240 - 028 38233465, Email:
Cordially invited.