Renewable Energy Buyers Vietnam Working Group
Webinar #2
Vietnam’s Rooftop Solar Sector: Tools, Templates, and Lessons Learned
for Corporate Renewable Energy Buyers
May 21st, 2020 – 9:00AM to 10:45AM (ICT)
Hosted by: Clean Energy Investment Accelerator (CEIA) and
USAID Vietnam Low Emission Energy Program (V-LEEP)
Due to travel and meeting restrictions related to COVID-19, this webinar series is temporarily replacing the in-person Renewable Energy Buyers Vietnam Working Group normally held in Ho Chi Minh City on a quarterly basis.
This webinar is the second of four webinars to be hosted by CEIA and USAID V-LEEP in May 2020.
The Renewable Energy Buyers Vietnam Working Group is co-organized by the Clean Energy Investment Accelerator (CEIA) and the USAID Vietnam Low Emission Energy Program (V-LEEP). Since 2017, the Working Group has brought together commercial and industrial (C&I) energy users interested in procuring clean energy, renewable energy project developers and investors, and Government of Vietnam representatives.
The Working Group is a platform for corporate RE market stakeholders to collectively identify and work toward policy, regulatory and financing frameworks needed to meet clean energy goals in Vietnam.
This webinar, on May 21st, 2020, is an important opportunity to bring together market stakeholders focused on the procurement and contracting of rooftop solar solutions for C&I businesses in Vietnam.
To register for the webinar and receive log-in details, please enter your details here.
Please read Webinar Guide here for further information regarding the webinar’s registration and participation.
9:00-9:10am Welcome and Introduction
§ Review of Working Group mission and implementing partners
§ Overview of webinar agenda and Zoom platform operating procedures
Mr. Evan Scandling, Clean Energy Investment Accelerator (Allotrope Partners)
9:10-9:25am Vietnam Rooftop Solar Market Update
§ Overview of commercial and industrial (C&I) rooftop solar market growth
§ Discussing of Decision 13’s implications for C&I rooftop solar
Mr. Duc Hai Nguyen, USAID V-LEEP
9:25-9:45am Corporate Buyer Perspective: Lessons and Learnings from Rooftop Solar Procurement Experience in Vietnam
§ Turn-key CAPEX investment of 2.16MWp rooftop solar in industrial park
§ Buyer-side overview of RFP development, competitive bidding process
§ Key lessons for other C&I energy users considering self-purchasing rooftop solar
Mr. Jeroen De Wachter, Renewable Energy Engineer, Deep C Industrial Zones
§ Engaging supply chain manufacturers to support renewable energy procurement
§ Discussion of rooftop solar feasibility studies, technical services, target setting support
Ms. Tracy Nilsson, Senior Director Global Environment, Social & Environmental Affairs, Adidas Group
9:45-10:00am Tool Overview: Rooftop Solar RFP Template and Best Practices
§ Introduction and overview of RFP template for rooftop solar PPA/leasing, developed by CEIA
§ Discussion of RFP use, best practices for RFP development and procurement processes
Ms. Bethany Speer, Clean Energy Investment Accelerator (U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
10:00-10:15am Tool Overview: Rooftop Solar Bid Evaluation Best Practices
§ Discussion of best practices for effective C&I rooftop solar bid evaluation framework
§ Learnings from CEIA buyer-side support of solar procurements in Vietnam
Mr. Rob Hardison, Clean Energy Investment Accelerator (U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
10:15-10:30am Rooftop Solar O&M Key Considerations: A Solar Developer Perspective
§ Developer-side perspective of best practices of rooftop solar asset management necessary for maximizing the technical and economic output of solar solutions.
Mr. Tra Thanh Hiep, Deputy Director of Engineering, TTC Energy
10:30-10:45am Audience Q&A and Closing Remarks