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VITAS join AFTEX 40th Council Meeting and 38 Plenary Session in Thailand

23/01/2019 03:48 PM
ASEAN Federation of Textile Industries - AFTEX 40th Council Meeting and 38 Plenary Session was held on the 16th- 18th January 2018 at Ratilanna Riverside Resort, Chiang Mai, Thailand. The meeting was joined by 9 AFTEX members of Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC), Indonesia Textile Association (API), Association of the Lao Garment Industry (ALGI), Malaysian Textile Manufacturers Association (MTMA), Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA), Confederation of Garment Exporters of the Philippines (CONGEP), Singapore Textile and Fashion Federation (TAFF), The National Federation of Thai Textile Industries (NFTTI), Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS). 
During two days of meeting, we had discussed on the topics of the Council’s endorsement of meeting minutes for the 39th Council Meeting and 37th Plenary Meeting including (i) ASEAN matters including AEC, RCEP (ii) ASEAN International Committee & Project (including AFTEX-China Collaboration, AFTEX-Korea Collaboration, Exploration New Collaboration, AFTEX-Alibaba Collaboration) (iii) Regional Committee & Project (including Eliminating Non-Tariff Barriers in ASEA, Participation in ASEAN Business Council (ABAC), AFTEX Website and Members’ Database Online (iv) AFTEX Organization Matters (including AFTEX Accounts, AFTEX Chairmanship.
AFTEX Country Report Session was presented by each country: Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
During the meeting, we have short meet with 10 ASEAN Foreign Ministers during 2019 Asean Foreign Ministers’ Retreat (AFMR) and the Asean Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
There was three special guest speakers to the Meeting to share about (i) Cirrcular Economy from Taiwan Textile Research Institute (TTRI), (ii) Shanghai Tex (iii) and Cotton Development Trend (by Cotton USA) 
AFTEX was formed in 1977 as a grouping of the textile & garment associations of the six ASEAN nations: Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Philippines, and Thailand.
Textile & apparel associations from Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and Myanmar later joined AFTEX after their respective countries joined ASEAN.
AFTEX Mission & Objectives: Since 1977, AFTEX members have met regularly to discuss policies and implement ASEAN-wide projects, with the objectives of: (i) Advocating a common position on international trade policies (ii) Promoting intra-ASEAN trade in textiles & garments (ii) Promoting ASEAN textiles & apparel to the global marketplace.

Some images of VITAS's activities when attending the AFTEX Annual Council Meeting and Plenary sessions..

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